Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Trending - Animal Kingdom

Research is what i love to do. I have infinite amount of images - to a point where I don't now how to categorize them. Too many hours spent surfing tumblrs and blogs. I decided I should start a "now trending" segment on my blog.

The first edition is Animal Kingdom. I think this trend is be sub category to "Heritage" trend we've been seeing for FW11. Back to the outdoors, practical and classic design adaptable from the cottage to the city. I think this might be very present in the editorial world.

This animal lover trend started with Cats. We saw them everywhere! For Fall/Winter11 We are now moving to larger felines like wolves and foxes even lions, through in some horses and birds and you've hot an animal kingdom like you've seen it before.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

stack it - use it

I have been unpacking for the last few days - and I find myself in the "small space too many things" situation. I love keeping old magazines - even thought I might not find myself referring back to them, I just loooove them. So If you are planning on keeping them, put them to go use.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Little touches

The big move has happened and is will be on going for a little bit more. It's a long journey to move into your first home. For some reason, I didn't feel the same pressure moving into our apartment as I do now with our condo. All the furniture is in and although we are missing a few pieces I can't wait to make it feel like our home. I know it takes time, but what makes a house feel like a home are little touches and attention to details. Place a bowl on your nightstand to empty your pockets at night, use trays to store your jewelry and makeup, pretty candles or lamps to glam up a room, add pillow and throw blankets to beds and chairs to warm it up.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Show Off

There is nothing like buying an expensive and luxurious item and walking out of the store with that coveted bag. Or unwrapping a gift to find that beautiful designer box. If you are anything like me - you keep those bags and boxes. Other than accumulating dust in your closet why not create some art out of it! Stack them or frame them, take it out of there and show it off

Lighten up

I am on a quest to find the perfect light fixtures at the right price! It's turning out to be quite the treasure hunt! Where can I go for stylish yet affordable fixtures!?

keys in hand

officially a home owner!

Monday, June 13, 2011

working on layouts

The big move day is fast approaching. Tomorrow we will officially be home owners with keys in hand! I love organizing and making schedules so here is our plan for the week and weekend.

Tuesday, Wednesday - Cleaning
Thursday - Dinning room furniture delivery
Friday - Day off from work to move appliances and start unpacking kitchen boxes
Saturday - bring computers and TV for technician to install, wall for 2nd bathroom going up, alarm system installation
More kitchen and bathroom boxes
Sunday - move furniture from our apartment and my parents house

On this note - here is a beginning of moodboard for our dinning room. Did you know you could do all this with Polyvore!? Pretty fun, and addictive!! Make sure to try it out - really helps to map out your space!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Toasty hot

We waited long enough for the summer to arrive - and let me tell you - it's here! My apartment feels like a toaster oven but we are trying to appreciate the last few days we have left. On the other hand - I wish I was by the pool or the beach with a nice fruity drink in hand.